Workshop on the ‘Union financial assistance in response’
In the last years, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Russia’s War on Ukraine and the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, there was a significant rise in the number of requests for ‘Union financial assistance in response’. Given the complexity of the operations and the high number of questions received, DG ECHO organized a workshop to inform and address identified issues directly to involved beneficiaries, which was held on 6-7 July 2023, in Brussels, Belgium.
During the seminar participants had the opportunity to learn about the requirements, optimizing collaboration and familiarize with documents and procedures.
Representatives of Ukrainian meteorological center (UHMC) and Central Geophysical Observatory (CGO), who participated in seminar online:
- Yuriy Burlaka - Deputy Director, UHMC;
- Veronika Filonenko - Head of the system of observations and hydrometeorological support department, UHMC;
- Ruslan Revyakin - Head of International Cooperation Department, UHMC.
- Olena Kosovets-Skavronska - Deputy Director for Monitoring, CGO;
- Anastasiia Lutskova, Head of organization of production activities and planning, CGO.