
Acting Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
Born on March 26, 1986 in the village of Dimarka, Ivankivskyi District, Kyiv Region
Education: higher, Mikhail Ostrogradskyi Kremenchuk State Polytechnic University, year of graduation - 2008, specialty - Ecology and environment protection, qualification - scientific specialist in ecology
Scientific degree, academic rank: does not have Awards, honorary titles: absent
Professional life:
08.2008 - 10.2008 - Senior specialist of the Department of Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, Kyiv.
12.2008 - 11.2011 - Head of the Department of History of the Kyiv Regional Center for Protection and Research of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Kyiv Oblast State Administration, Kyiv.
02.2012 - 02.2013 - 2 category labor protection engineer of the Department of Labor Protection of the State Specialized Enterprise "Centralized Enterprise for Radioactive Waste Management", Chernobyl.
08.2013 - 07.2014 - Senior engineer of labor protection service of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, Kyiv.
07.2014 - 07.2018 - Head of labor protection service of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, Kyiv.
From 07.2018 through the present - Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, Kyiv.

Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center - Chief of the main center for analysis, forecasting of hydrometeorological coditions and hydrometeorological provision
Born on May 31, 1952 in the village Kam'yanokostuvate, Bratskiy district, Mykolaiv region
Education: Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute, year of graduation – 1974, specialty - agrometeorology, qualification - engineer – agrometeorologist
Academic degree: no
Awards and honors: awarded the title "Honored Worker of Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine" with handing of a badge, a Certificate of Merit of the State Hydrometeorological Service, a Certificate of Merit of MUE.
Professional life:
08.1974 - 07.1976 - Engineer of the department of agricultural hydrometeorology of the Kazakh SRHMI, Alma-Ata
07.1976 - 07.1976 - Engineer of the department of hydrological forecasts of the Ukrainian weather bureau, Kyiv
07.1976 - 11.1980 - Engineer of the department of agricultural meteorology of the Ukrainian weather bureau, Kyiv
11.1980 - 09.1988 - Senior engineer of the water balance group of the Ukrainian weather bureau, Kyiv
09.1988 - 08.1992 – Engineer – I category agrometeorologist of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre, Kyiv
08.1992 - 12.2001 – Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre, Head of the department of hydrometeorological hydrometeorological support of national economy, Kyiv
12.2001 - 08.2011 – Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, Head of the Main center for analysis, forecasting of hydrometeorological conditions and hydrometeorological support, Kyiv
08.2011 – Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center - Head of the Main center for analysis, forecasting of hydrometeorological conditions and hydrometeorological support, Kyiv