UHMC Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center

The meeting of the Ambassador of Ukraine with UHMC forecasters in Finland

As part of the project between the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center and the Finnish Meteorological Institute,  Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine in the Republic of Finland, Olha Dibrova, Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Finland and Iceland  met with project managers from the Finnish side, Harry Pietarila, Anne Hirsikko and UHMC forecasters  Natalia Ptuha and Alla Bilozerova.

They discussed the development of the project on modernizing the Ukrainian meteorological observations, weather forecasting network and ways of solving specific needs. The project is financed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Also our specialists expressed special gratitude to our Finnish colleagues who support us totally during such difficult times for the country and help us to develop our industry to international standards.


We hope for further cooperation and support from the leaders of both countries.