UHMC Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center

Contacts of the press service

You can contact our press office regarding:

Detailed information about the weather forecast for the near future, description of synoptic situations and clarification of warnings about dangerous meteorological phenomena; general analysis of weather conditions.
Interviews with our experts, both live and pre-recorded, on weather, hydrology, agrometeorology, radiology.


Email address: press@meteo.gov.ua

Phone: +380 (44) 239-93-07, on working days from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Receive audio, video comments +380 (93) 533-08-18 (Viber, Telegram, Skype)

Address: Kyiv, str. Zolotovoritska 6b


Outside of working hours, in case of extreme weather conditions, call the on-duty forecaster of the Meteorological Forecasting Department at +380 (44) 239-93-95