UHMC Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center

Online meeting between representatives of Ukraine and the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service

On 12 March 2024, an online meeting between representatives of Ukraine and the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service

The Ukrainian side was represented:

Mr. Bohdan Masovets, Head of the Hydrometeorology Devision of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Dr. Mykola Kulbida, Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre;

Mr. Anatolii Prokopenko, Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre;

Mr. Ivan Meliokhin, Head of the main center for technical maintenance of measuring equipment ( via online);

Mr. Oleg Skoropad is an advisor to the Director of UkrGMC on international projects;

Ms. Natalia Holenia, Head of the meteorological forecasts department;

Ms. Olena Kosovets-Skavronska, Deputy Director for Monitoring at the Boris Sresnevsky Central Geophysical Observatory;

Ms. Tetyana Adamenko, Head of the agrometeorology department;

Mr. Valerii Savenko, Head of the center frot the development and support of software and technical means;

Mr. Ruslan Reviakin, Head of the international cooperation department;

Mr. Anatolii Gavro, Deputy Head of the international cooperation department.

Representatives from the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service ( LHMS):

Mr. Ricardas Valanciauskas – LHMS director

Mrs. Vida Raliene – LHMS deputy director

Mr. Renatas Gudeliunas – LHMS chancellor

Mr. Andrius Laurynaitis – Head of Measurement Quality and Technical Division

Mrs. Inga Grigorjanc – Head of Forecast and Warnings division

Mr. Juozas Simkus – Head of Hydrological Observations

Mrs. Viktorija Cegliene – Head of Aviation and Meteorological Observations division

Mr. Donatas Valiukas – Head of Climatological Research division

Mr. Zanas Matuzanis – Head of IT division

Mrs. Daiva Stachoviene – Advisor of Generals affairs division

Mrs. Judita Liukaityte-Kukiene – Advisor of Environmental Ministry Climate Politics group

The meeting was held in accordance with a list of questions proposed by LHMS representatives on specific work of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre since the first day of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

During the meeting, Dr. Mykola Kulbida, Director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre, emphasising that the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre and hydrometeorological organizations of Ukraine, despite on the loss of part of the observation network on the occupied territories and destruction on the frontline areas, continue to fully fulfil their obligations to provide the state, the national economy, the Armed Forces and a wide range of consumers with the high-quality forecasts.

Mr. Bohdan Masovets, Head of the Hydrometeorology Devision of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, emphasised that Ukraine's hydrometeorological organizations did not stop their work 24/7 facing of the ongoing hostilities and rocket attacks. In particular, he underlined the need to develop a network of automatic equipment for observation network that helps to save lives in wartime.

At the end of the online meeting, representatives of the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service, headed by Directo Mr. Rikardas ValanĨauskas, thanked their Ukrainian colleagues for the productive dialogue, that was held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and support. It was decided to continue communication in a working manner and organize similar meetings as needed.